Install a wastewater treatment system

Today, the rapid development of industry brings with it consequences on environmental pollution, including water pollution. The installation of a wastewater treatment system is an urgent issue that needs to be done. Join WeMe to learn about the process of constructing a wastewater treatment system in today’s article!

Why need to install a wastewater treatment system?

Current wastewater sources often originate from residential areas, factories, enterprises, hospitals, schools, livestock farms, etc. The components of these wastewaters contain many impurities, viruses, bacteria, etc., which are harmful to health.

The components of wastewater from kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, livestock farms, leftover food, etc. contain a lot of organic BOD, nutritional compounds such as N, P, which are very high, harmful to health, contaminate water sources, and cause foul odors. In addition, they also contain many pathogens, which are the cause of dangerous infectious diseases.

Wastewater from factories, enterprises, processing facilities, etc. contains many suspended impurities, detergents, grease, etc. The components of these types of waste also contain many bacteria, viruses, etc., which have a negative impact on the environment as well as the health of people around.

Most of this wastewater has not been properly treated, and is even discharged directly into the environment, causing extremely serious consequences such as:

  • Polluting groundwater sources,
  • Polluting the soil environment,
  • Adversely affecting the living environment of surrounding animals and plants,
  • Adversely affecting human health,
  • Causing infectious diseases, cancer, hepatitis B, etc.

For that reason, wastewater treatment needs to be concerned and properly handled by competent authorities and sectors. The installation of wastewater treatment systems for domestic, livestock, industrial, etc. is also an urgent issue that needs to be implemented.

Criteria for selecting wastewater treatment systems

Currently, there are many units constructing wastewater treatment systems. Each unit applies a different technology to bring about the highest treatment efficiency. However, an effective wastewater treatment system needs to meet the following criteria:

  • Must be able to treat a variety of wastewater sources;
  • Output wastewater must meet the standards of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
  • Optimize investment and operating costs;
  • The system is easy to operate and operates stably;
  • Easy to upgrade capacity when there are changes in input wastewater sources;
  • Technology must be continuously updated, modern and most advanced.

In addition, the construction of wastewater treatment systems must comply with regulations to ensure that the output wastewater does not affect the environment. Subjects that need to build wastewater treatment systems include:

  • Concentrated production and business services;
  • Production, business and service establishments not connected to the centralized wastewater treatment system;
  • Industrial parks, industrial clusters, craft villages;

See more: Quotation for domestic wastewater treatment systems

Installation of wastewater treatment systems at WeMe

Wastewater treatment system construction services

Currently, WeMe provides installation and construction services for wastewater treatment systems for many different service and manufacturing industries. If you have any needs, please contact us via Hotline: 0906.653.007 for the most detailed advice:

  • Domestic wastewater treatment: restaurants, hotels, apartments, offices, camps, …
  • Medical wastewater treatment: hospitals, clinics, medical stations, …
  • Livestock wastewater treatment: pigs, cows, poultry, …
  • Aquaculture wastewater treatment: fish, shrimp, …
  • Food processing wastewater treatment: livestock slaughter, seafood processing, …
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: iron and steel production, confectionery production, feather production, …

Introducing the implementation process

To install a wastewater treatment system that meets standards is a whole research process of experts in the field of wastewater treatment at WeMe. From there, the most effective roadmap is built, helping to optimize costs while the efficiency remains unchanged. The process of installing a wastewater treatment system at WeMe includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: First, engineers will conduct a survey of the system installation location;
  • Step 2: Initially assess the quality of the output wastewater when using the wastewater treatment system at WeMe;
  • Step 3: Discuss with the investor to agree on the wastewater treatment system: capacity, tank construction, power supply, etc.
  • Step 4: Transport raw materials and proceed with installation according to the initial agreement;
  • Step 5: Conduct a trial run and inspect the operating process as well as the productivity of the system;Step 6: Assess the quality of the output wastewater;
  • Step 7: Transfer technology, accept and hand over the project.
Kỹ sư của WeMe tiến hành khảo sát công trình trước khi đề xuất phương án công nghệ
WeMe engineers conduct site surveys before proposing technology solutions

Every step in the process of constructing a wastewater treatment system at WeMe is carefully calculated and as precise as possible to build a system with the highest efficiency. WeMe is committed to providing customers with the best products and services on the market at extremely preferential prices.

Wastewater treatment system construction projects at WeMe

WeMe is a unit with many years of experience in installing and constructing wastewater treatment systems. After many years of establishment and development, WeMe is proud to have been trusted and chosen by many domestic enterprises to cooperate to bring solutions to wastewater problems. Below are some typical wastewater treatment system construction projects that WeMe has implemented:

Installation of wastewater treatment system for Khai Minh project

  • Wastewater type: domestic wastewater
  • Capacity: 30m3/day.night
  • Investor: Khai Minh Technical and Service Joint Stock Company
  • Project implementation location: Tan Thanh Commune, Ham Thuan Nam District, Binh Thuan Province
Image of wastewater treatment system of Khai Minh project

Installing wastewater treatment system for My Viet project

  • Wastewater type: domestic wastewater
  • Capacity: 40m3/day.night
  • Investor: My Viet Trading and Industrial Company Limited
  • Project implementation location: Factory 2 of My Viet Trading and Industrial Company Limited, Lac Dao Commune, Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province

Installing wastewater treatment system for Tam Phuc project

  • Wastewater type: domestic wastewater and hospital medical wastewater
  • Capacity: 75m3/day.night
  • Investor: Tam Phuc General Hospital
  • Project implementation location: 82A Ngo Si Lien, Duc Thang Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province

Installing wastewater treatment system for Nghi Son project

  • Wastewater type: steel production wastewater
  • Capacity: 700m3/day.night
  • Investor: Nghi Son Iron and Steel Joint Stock Company
  • Project implementation location: Nghi Son port logistics area, Hai Ha commune, Tinh Gia district, Thanh Hoa province

Installing wastewater treatment system for Poshaco project

  • Wastewater type: production wastewater
  • Capacity: 144m3/day.night
  • Investor: Poshaco Hung Yen Investment and Production Company Limited
  • Project implementation location: Poshaco Hung Yen Investment and Production Company Limited’s factory, Giai Pham commune, Yen My district, Hung Yen province

See more WeMe projects HERE.

Why should you choose WeMe as a partner?

During the process of formation and development, WeMe has had the opportunity to cooperate in building many different large and small wastewater treatment systems. We always try and make efforts to bring the best products to customers and strive to become the leading supplier and installer of wastewater treatment systems nationwide. Advantages of wastewater treatment systems at WeMe:

  • Treat many different sources of waste such as: domestic wastewater, factory wastewater, production wastewater, medical wastewater, etc.
  • Apply modern technology on the market;
  • Quick installation, cost savings;
  • The system is easy to operate, giving high efficiency;
  • Long-term warranty;
  • The quality of the output wastewater is committed to meeting the standards of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.


Above is the process of implementing wastewater treatment system construction projects at WeMe. Customers who need to install wastewater treatment systems, please contact WeMe immediately for the most detailed advice and quotation. Accompanying customers is the pride of WeMe.